EVE Echoes : Southern War Story (3)
Southern War Story (1)
Southern War Story (2)
The third episode of the Southern War tells the story of the creation of a powerful ally, Pantheon, from the betrayal of the Golden Horde Alliance in late January to the dissolution of the GHA in April.
Before to talk about the Southern War, let's talk about Pantheon, who played an important role in the large-scale Esoteria war.
Who is Pantheon?
The classic roman building Pantheon was west of delve, fountain, and even querious and dominate the three regions.
You can see that the Union by 2021, the biggest.
To recognize Pantheon, a strong ally of Genesis Federation, you must look into the past.
Within a month of the game's launch, each alliance was established in Null-Sec.
At the beginning of the game launch, there were several independent alliances and companies in the Delve region.
The major alliance, PIBC (Pan Interactive Business), and Happy Bees, were raiding and fighting each other to take over the Delve area.
Proof of PIBC botting and explanations of their scripts
Here is proof of PIBC's mining bots. We have hundreds of KMs, I only gathered 16 of each. **Venture / V2 bots** \-...
PIBC was running bots and grew fast on Delve region. They want every corps in Delve to submission.
Corps and Alliances against PIBC in Delve United each other.
With HappyBees, The Cosmos, The Collective, Pandemonium, Shadow Syndicate, Rekium, finally Pantheon Coalition was made.
Delve was burned for a month, and Pantheon won the war against PIBC and took control of Delve.
Terran Federation (TF), an ally of PIBC, occupied the Fountain region.
The TF began to bully the miners and others in Delve at the end of the war with the PIBC.
One day, a pilot named Gengar from Happy Bees found TF outpost.
Gengar attacked the outpost by himself, and the owner of the outpost panicked and unanchor, and the timer turned.
(Outpost unanchor takes 3 days)
Three days later, when the timer ran out, Pantheon succeeded in stealing TF outpost, and two days later, the TF officially declared war on Pantheon.
TF and Pantheon fought for three weeks during December, but decided not to call large-scale CTAs during Christmas so they could spend time with family and friends.
Pantheon opened event during holiday instead of suspending activity.
They do not expect many participants but, during the event, more than 3 bill worth of ships were blown up
Less than a week ago, the TF was disbanded as civil war broke out, and Pantheon absorbed alliances with several companies.
TF DEAD and DUNE, who hated Pantheon and GenFed, joined Angel Cartel Republic (ACR).
Golden Horde betrayal
GenFed, who was in the middle of a war with Death Phantom,
allied with SHH in the north and GHA in the east to respond to the Chinese Union and DP using bots.
A statement from GHA
Hello again everyone, I am Evil Darkness, Executor of Zen Horde alliance and a member of the GHA Executive Council. I write today to tell...
However, on January 30, 2021, the GHA betrayed GenFed, who was defeated by the Southern Coalition, and formed an alliance with the SC.
On February 1, 2021, more than 2,000 people gathered to attack and defend the Esoteria WX-6UX region.
The Southwest Alliance to help Genesis and the South East Alliance to help DP have gathered in Esoteria.
SC destroyed the WX-6UX Corporation Citadel.
The Nightmare Kills
Posted in r/echoes by u/misterespresso • 58 points and 78 comments
Howerver, SC were badly defeated, losing most of the ships, including 4 Nightmares.
On February 14, 2021, GenFed had a Townhall meeting.
GenFed Leader and officers agreed that it was not worth to defending structures due to the time difference and it will be better without Corp Citadel for a while.
Then GenFed could focus on enemy citadels anytime.
On February 14, 2021, SC dropped the Corporation Citadel to ZID-LE.
Two ZID attacks took place on February 16 and 27, 2021, but more than 1200 SC personnel gathered cousing GenFed retreat.
On March 7, 2021, the betrayed GHA dropped the Corporation Citadel in the WX-6UX area.
Several attacks have been made, but the timer of the Corporation Citadel was in China's favor, which fails to destroy it.
Pantheon and Genesis attack on GHA
On March 10, 2021, GenFed changeed strategy and with Pantheon.
Updated GHA/SC list of citadels this week, I hope didn’t forget more. Good job everybody! GF
Posted in r/echoes by u/valkuznet • 38 points and 26 comments
Pantheon and GenFed were successful in their operations from March 13 to 20.
Destroyed eight Citadels of the hostile coalition.
On March 20, 2021, Enemies had 400 more ships in LJ-RJK, but Pantheon and GenFed won the battle and destroyed two corporate Citadels a day.
Downfall of Golden Horde
On March 25, 2021, GHA was falling aport due to continued defeats and dictatorship.
OZ, which owned the WX-6UX Corporation Citadel, turned their side from GHA to GenFed.
On March 26, 2021, GHA and SC invaded Delve to attack Pantheon.
However, GHA and SC, who lacked confidence since the LJ-RJK battle on March 20, ran away before the fight.
Another Coup in GHA
Posted in r/echoes by u/Evil__Darkness • 27 points and 46 comments
Who wants to be a Billionaire? We don't want our Citadel anymore. Let's set a record, come help blow it up! EVERYONE IS INVITED!
Hello my name is Sparkfist I am an executive director of DLG/DIT the former Executor corp for the Dark Horde (DH). Guided by the leadership of Zel...
After the March 25, 2021 election, many of the GHA's corps were disappointed in their leadership and left almost all of them.
corps leaving the GHA moved to the GenFed or Friendly Blue Alliance.
The GHA has been disbanded, but the SC, led by ACR, was constantly attacked Esoteria.
If you are curious about the next episode, please refer to the link below.
Southern War Story (4)