EVE Echoes : North-South War
This is a story of the war that happened from Aug 29th 2021 to Feb 6th 2022.
It begins from anchoring K4-RFZ corp citadel, Pantheon war, birth of Nooters and War ++(SHH vs Genesis).
Wars that lasted almost a year between SCG, Genesis and Pantheon was end and both sides agreed NIP(Nom Invasion Pact).
To honor of their countless efforts and participants to end of war, Genesis dropped a corp citadel on K4-RFZ as a monument.
FF alliance was dissolved after Winter resigned from FF Alliance leader. (Sep 3rd, 2021)
One of the major corps, XM and TRO rejected joining SHH alliance after resignation.
FF's main corp joined Genesis as IGEN saying that Genesis is the strongest and will wage war for them.
End of FF war - SIlent Federation Official Announcement
The war on fireflies officially is over. After their final citadels get blown up this weekend, we will have removed 20+ Corporation Citadels. This...
The war between SHH and FF was ended officially on Sep 15th, 2021.
However, SHH set grey on Genesis because FF refused their offer and joined Genesis.
SHH became huge alliance of North galactic side.
Silent Federation Brings War Back To New Eden
After a short break from the war in the North, The Silent Federation has decided to formally return to our preferred state - one of war and...
After defeating FF, SHH declared war on Pantheon which was called "End of New Eden"
SHH said that they are not interested in SOV war but destroying the "best".
SHH and NO set blue together and began their campaign on Pantheon.
Therefore, the flame of war sparked between the northern allies SHH, NO, HONK and southern allies Pantheon, Genesis, Catch22.
Pantheon War
Week 1 : 09/25 ~ 10/03
War: Week 1
It's now been 1 week since the war started, and this post aims to decribe the events of week 1. This war has no official name yet, but hopefully...
Please check the Reddit for quick summery of war during a week.
The first day of war passed without any major conflicts. (Sep 25th Saturday 2021)
But next day, SHH marched to 3WE-KY resulting their loss. Their ships were completely destroyed.
Sep 28th 2021, First Hull timer of the war
SHHNO got a chance to destroy citadel in YRBJ-8.
Both sides continued long lasting battle, however, Pantheon and Genesis had to retreat due to the lack of logi ships and late reinforcement fleet arrival. HONK were able to seize citadel on YRNJ-8.
On Sep 29th 2021, Pantheon and Genesis destroyed citadel belongs to Fade corp (SHH).
Sep 30th 2021, Pantheon lost citadel in 3WE-KY. They had not enough defence fleets.
At the very same day, over 2 hours war lasted on 9GNS-2.
Pantheon and Genesis again retreated losing their logies and guardians.
Week 2 : 10/04 ~ 10/10
War: Week 2
Hi, I made some changes to the way I reported this week's events: removed the pos cause apparently no one cares about those, and also removed the...
please check the summery of the 2nd week of war on the Reddit above.
Pantheon and Genesis were able to defend K4-RFZ on Oct 4th 2021.
Although Pantheon was able to defend several citadel, more citadel were captured by SHH & NO.
Week 3 : 10/11 ~ 10/17
War: Week 3
Keeping this simple cause I have classes starting soon and I have no idea how tensors, weak formulations or baguette math works. This week proved...
please check the summery of the 3rd week of war on the Reddit above.
Genesis and Pantheon successfully defended K4RFZ again.
By that time lots of CTA were announced.
After 3 weeks of countless CTAs, less and less people in Pantheon and Genesis were not able to attend, Pantheon and Genesis had to retreat.
Week 4 : 10/18 ~ 10/24
War: week 4
**Monday 18/10/21** Big day for everyone with major timers in south delve. PanGen had 5 timers to defend. Out of those 5 NO destroyed 2 and...
please check the summery of the 4th week of war on the Reddit above.
Genesis could not defend K4-RFZ against SHH & NO 's third wave. Losing K4-RFZ was heart breaking.
Genesis decided to down grade every citadel and moved to NPC stations and they tried to change the tide of war.
Retribution Independence
To whom this may concern, As many know by now, RETC has declared our independence and withdrawn from the Pantheon Coalition. It become clear...
RETC left Pantheon on Oct 24th 2021.
The Dominoes Have Fallen - TM Is No Longer at War
It is with a heavy heart that Trimark has watched the final dominoes fall over the past 24 hours. We had resolved ourselves to fighting alongside...
TM from Querious left Pantheon on Oct 29th 2021.
Das Boop Exits the War
From the Breweries of BOOP, BEER & WTF We would like to start by saying thank-you to Pantheon and its allies. The number of friendships that...
I’ll make this short
TSC will be removing its self from what many of us know as Pantheon For every hour I have poured into Pantheon I have poured an hour into TSC. My...
Blap has been one of the oldest members of Pantheon, while at the same time being the smallest. We always focused on our values, our members, and...
BOOT, TSC, BLAP left Panthron on Oct 30th 2021.
Catch22’s message to the EE Community.
Hey Reddit! Catch22 has hardly ever posted here until lately, but we have always held true to a policy to always be 100% honest and transparent....
Pantheon accepted their defeat and declared Pantheon is no more on Nov 1st 2021.
Catch22’s message to the EE Community.
Hey Reddit! Catch22 has hardly ever posted here until lately, but we have always held true to a policy to always be 100% honest and transparent....
Catch22 left also from the war after Pantheon was gone.
A month after the war, Pantheon met their demise. Pantheon was disappeared into history of Eve Echoes.
Noot Noot Story
The Noot Noot story
Posted in r/echoes by u/Top-Personality7042 • 153 points and 57 comments
War++ (SHH vs Gen)
After Pantheon was gone, raged Nooters prepared the revenge.
They set their headquarter on BKG-Q2 and started nearby systems.
Nooters destroyed citadel T-ZWA1 located in Vale on Nov 15th 2021. Their revenge began.
NO & SHH attacked Genesis in response of the destruction of the citadel on Nov 19th 2021.
Although Genesis were out numbered by 75:165, Phoenix Tasador lead their victory with amazing Guardian ship controls on the battle of G-YZUX.
Genesis faked their attack on Pure Blind and tried to attack on Tenal regions but it was not successful.
However, Nooters never gave up and destroyed a citadel in C-LBQS on Nov 22nd 2021.
NO full standings reset
Greetings pilots, NO will be doing a full reset of all standings as of Dec 1st, 00:00 UTC. All business and post-war agreements in the south...
NO decided to set grey on SHH, left out of war on Dec 1st 2021. They did not want to be a part of blue donuts.
Three cits down. GFs! o7 Noot Noot!!
Posted in r/echoes by u/Mommasaurus_Rex_ • 105 points and 135 comments
Genesis had battle with SHH even numbers this time on Nov 28th 2021.
SHH lost the battle and lost 3 citadels.
4 SHH citadels down! GF all and our hats off to TSC who always kept fighting. o7 Noot noot!
Posted in r/echoes by u/MommasaurusRex_GEN • 136 points and 77 comments
A huge battle with more than 600 people was happened in EOY-BG on Dec 4th 2021.
SHH lost the battle and lost 2 citadel and 2 more citadel were entosised.
GF! 4 SHH citadels (T3, 2xT2, T1) taken and amazing fights all night/day! o7 Moot Noot!
Posted in r/echoes by u/MommasaurusRex_GEN • 103 points and 113 comments
Genesis and SHH stand-off in between the gate of ZJ-QOO system.
SHH avoided major combat and decided to go around to protect AR-5SY.
They knew that they couldn't win a battle with even numbers.
Meanwhile, nooters entosised T3 citadel in 3-QYVE and destroyed T2 citadel in T-K10W.
Meanwhile, nooters entosised T3 citadel in 3-QYVE and destroyed T2 citadel in T-K10W.
SHH changed their fleet Doctrine from kiting to Brawl after several defeats from Genesis after losing several citadels.
As a result, SHH were successful, destroying Genesis FCs with their brawler doctrine. They regained AR-5SY citadel.
During the time, Genesis successfully down grading 3-QYVE citadel they captured last time.
SHH moral was raised due to their mighty brawler ships. They took back 3-QYVE citadel.
After battle of 3-QYVE, Genesis declared cease war during holidays Dec 23rd - Jan 6th. But SHH did not stopped war.
SHH restlessly continued their offense during Christmas and New years holidays.
SHH destroyed 7P-J38 & C-PENN citadels on Jan 12th 2022.
After spending good rests during holidays, Genesis began their operations again and made 7 hull timers on SHH citadels.
During the battle of EWOK-K, Russian fleets destroyed SHH citadels.
However, SHH brawlers and interceptor tactics were very strong making Genesis retreat.
Genesis had to defend 3 citadels on Feb 2nd 2022.
Posted in r/echoes_eve by u/MuffinBias • 48 points and 15 comments
SHH were victorious and they destroyed 3 citadels from Genesis.
SHH wanted to take out WX-6UX citadel which was the pride of Genesis, and tried to humiliate Genesis.
Genesis decided to place their brawler ships along with Nightmares and finally Capital ships on WX-6UX to protect their pride.
SHH gave up their fight after seeing Genesis Capital ships. They engaged with their interceptor fleets only.
Finally, both SHH and Genesis signed NIP(Nom Invasion Pact) because it was meaningless to continue conflict each other with more than 80 jumps away.
Genesis had the upper hand at the beginning of the war, but SHH's Brawler & Interceptor combinations which had been gaining momentum since Christmas, was very difficult to deal with, and SHH was strong in the second half of the war.
But just like the previous wars, WX-6UX changed the course of the war.
Thanks to everyone participated in the CTA, day and night over the past few months.
The story of War ends here, but I will keep recording when new war begins. Until then.. see you soon. Thanks.
Noot Noot!