오늘은 아직 구현되지 않은 Command 함선과 Command Burst에 대해 알아보려고 합니다.
이브 온라인을 해보신 분들은 아시는 내용일 수 있지만,
저처럼 이브 온라인을 안해본 사람들을 위해 정리해 보았습니다.
Guardian's Gala 이벤트 진행 중 신규 스킨이 무엇이 있나 확인하는 도중에 지휘형이라는 함선 스킨을 발견하게 되었습니다.
Battlecruiser에 스킨으로 확인되는 Command 함선들만 정리해 보았습니다.
(Battlecruiser에 신규 전자형 함선도 추가되는 것 같지만 이것은 따로 다루겠습니다.)
Command(지휘형) 함선
Prophecy Command (Tech 8)
Role Bonus
ㄴ Drone control range : +20km
ㄴ Can fit Command Bursts
Armored Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Armored Command Burst strength : +3%
ㄴ Information Command Burst strength : +2%
ㄴ Command Burst effective range : +5%
Advanced Battlecruiser Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Armor Resistance : +4%
ㄴ Drone DPS : +40%
ㄴ Drone velocity : +5%
Prophecy II Command (Tech 10)
Role Bonus
ㄴ Drone control range : +25km
ㄴ Can fit Command Bursts
Advanced Armored Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Armored Command Burst strength : +5%
ㄴ Information Command Burst strength : +3%
ㄴ Command Burst effective range : +7.5%
Advanced Battlecruiser Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Armor Resistance : +4%
ㄴ Drone DPS : +50%
ㄴ Drone velocity : +5%
Cyclone Command (Tech 8)
Role Bonus
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo velocity : +20km
ㄴ Can fit Command Bursts
Shield Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Shield Command Burst strength : +3%
ㄴ Skirmish Command Burst strength : +2%
ㄴ Command Burst effective range : +5%
Advanced Battlecruiser Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Shield Booster amount : +7.5%
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo activation Time : -5%
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo explosion velocity : +5%
Cyclone II Command (Tech 10)
Role Bonus
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo velocity : +25km
ㄴ Can fit Command Bursts
Advanced Shield Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Shield Command Burst strength : +5%
ㄴ Skirmish Command Burst strength : +3%
ㄴ Command Burst effective range : +7.5%
Advanced Battlecruiser Command Bonus per Lv.
ㄴ Shield Booster amount : +7.5%
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo activation Time : -7%
ㄴ Medium Missile/Torpedo explosion velocity : +5%
Command Bursts
커맨드 버스트(Command burst)는 사용시 주변 플릿원에게 버프를 주는 모듈입니다.
모듈 종류 (이브 온라인 기준)
Armor Command Burst
ㄴ Armor Energizing Charge : 아머 모든 저항 8%
ㄴ Armor Reinforcement Charge : 아머량 8%
ㄴ Rapid Repair Charge : 아머리페어모듈 사이클, 캐퍼시터 소모량 -8%
Shield Command Burst
ㄴ Active Shielding Charge : 실드리페어모듈 사이클, 캐퍼시터 소모량 -15%
ㄴ Shield Extension Charge : 실드량 8%
ㄴ Shield Harmonizing Charge : 실드 모든 저항 8%
Information Command Burst
ㄴ Electronic Hardening Charge : 센서강도 18%, 센서 댐프너, 웨폰 디스럽터 저항 9%
ㄴ Electronic Superiority Charge : 전자전 사거리 9%
ㄴ Sensor Optimization Charge : 스캔레졸루션 9%, 타게팅 거리 18%
Skimish Command Burst
ㄴ Evasive Maneuvers Charge : 시그니처 -6%, 어질리티 6%
ㄴ Interdiction Maneuvers Charge : 웹, 워프재머 사거리 12%
ㄴ Rapid Deployment Charge : 애프터버너,MWD 속도 12%
Command Bursts - EVE University Wiki
Command Bursts are modules that increase the effectiveness of one or several aspects of a ship. They can only be fitted to certain ships but are extremely potent as they will give their bonuses to every single member of the fleet (up to 256 people) as long
세줄 요약
1. 조만간 Command 함선이 추가 예정
2. Command Burst 용 스킬 추가 예정
ㄴ Shield/Armored Command (O)
ㄴ Information/Skimish Command (정보없음)
3. Command Burst 모듈 추가 예정
ㄴ Armor / Shield / Information / Skimish Command Burst
로드맵 기준으로 4월쯤 추가되지 않을까 추측해봅니다.
Eve Echoes Dev Roadmap
Check out the Development Roadmap of EVE Echoes for the community. It will be updated based on changes in the roadmap. If you have any questions, please contact us on our official Discord server: ...
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