Please check the Reddit for quick summery of war during a week.
The first day of war passed without any major conflicts. (Sep 25th Saturday 2021)
Battle of 3WE-KY
But next day, SHH marched to 3WE-KY resulting their loss. Their ships were completely destroyed.
Fountain > Taurus > YRNJ-8
Sep 28th 2021, First Hull timer of the war
SHHNO got a chance to destroy citadel in YRBJ-8.
Both sides continued long lasting battle, however, Pantheon and Genesis had to retreat due to the lack of logi ships and late reinforcement fleet arrival. HONK were able to seize citadel on YRNJ-8.
Battle of K4YZ-Y
On Sep 29th 2021, Pantheon and Genesis destroyed citadel belongs to Fade corp (SHH).
Fountain > Pegasus > 3WE-KY
Sep 30th 2021,Pantheon lost citadel in 3WE-KY. They had not enough defence fleets.
Delve > OK-FEM > 9GNS-2
At the very same day, over 2 hours war lasted on 9GNS-2.
Battle of 9GNS-2
Pantheon and Genesis again retreated losing their logies and guardians.
SHH were victorious and they destroyed 3 citadels from Genesis.
Esoteria > JSZ-X6 > WX-6UX
SHH wanted to take out WX-6UX citadel which was the pride of Genesis, and tried to humiliate Genesis.
Genesis decided to place their brawler ships along with Nightmares and finally Capital ships on WX-6UX to protect their pride.
SHH gave up their fight after seeing Genesis Capital ships. They engaged with their interceptor fleets only.
Finally, both SHH and Genesis signed NIP(Nom Invasion Pact) because it was meaningless to continue conflict each other with more than 80 jumps away.
Genesis had the upper hand at the beginning of the war, but SHH's Brawler & Interceptor combinations which had been gaining momentum since Christmas, was very difficult to deal with, and SHH was strong in the second half of the war.
But just like the previous wars, WX-6UX changed the course of the war.
Thanks to everyone participated in the CTA, day and night over the past few months.
The story of War ends here, but I will keep recording when new war begins. Until then.. see you soon. Thanks.
Noot Noot에게는 Pantheon이라는 이웃이 있었습니다. 그들은 베스트 프렌드였습니다.
그들은 매우 가까웠고 어떤 것도 그들의 우정을 깨뜨릴 수 없었습니다.
그러던 어느 날.. 북방의 해적들은 남쪽으로 항해하여 Pantheon이 살던 평화로운 이글루를 공격했습니다..
Noot Noot은 그의 가장 친한 친구를 구하기 위해 달려갔고, 휴일을 마치고 막 도착한 Legendary Eson Carter에게 데려갔습니다. Eson은 Pantheon을 구하기 위해 최선을 다했지만 너무 늦었고 Pantheon은 죽게 되었습니다.. Noot Noot은 망연자실했고..
Noot Noot은 가장 친한 친구가 죽는 것을 보고 충격에 빠졌어요. 하지만 Noot Noot은 그저 울기만 하지 않았어요. Helperdog의 은혜를 받고 베스트 프렌드를 죽인 사악한 해적들에게 복수를 하기로 맹세했습니다.
Noot Noot은 모든 형제자매를 불렀습니다.
Noot Noot은 행복하고 평화로운 펭귄들을 분노하게 만들고, 복수를 위해 북쪽으로 행진했습니다.
Noot Noot은 복수를 하기로 다짐했습니다.
War++ (SHH vs Gen)
Branch > OC-PZ4 > BKG-Q2
Pantheon이 해체되고 분노한 Nooter들은 북쪽으로 올라가 복수를 위해 준비를 하기 시작했습니다.
Nooter들은 BKG-Q2 시스템을 거점으로 삼고 근처 지역을 공격하기 시작하였습니다.
T-ZWA1 Kill a Citadel
2021년 11월 15일 Nooter들은 Vale에 있는 T-ZWA1 시타델을 파괴하면서 전쟁이 시작되었습니다.
G-YZUX 전투 로지 시점
2021년 11월 19일 시타델을 파괴한것에 대한 복수를 하기 위해 NO와 SHH는 Genesis를 공격하러 왔습니다.
G-YZUX 전투 가디언 FC 시점
75 대 165로 Genesis는 인원수에서 밀렸지만 Phoenix Tasador의 가디언 무빙으로 G-YZUX 전투에서 이기게 되었습니다.
2021년 11월 21일 Genesis의 메인 플릿은 Pure Blind 지역으로 공격할 것처럼 연기를 하고
Nooter들은 기습적으로 먼 거리인 Tenal의 시타델을 공격하는 작전을 진행하려 했지만 결과는 좋지 못하게 끝나게 되었습니다.
C-LBQS Citadel Kill
2021년 11월 22일 Nooter들은 포기하지 않고 C-LBQS 시타델을 파괴하는 데 성공하게 됩니다.
Episode 4 of the Southern War summarizes the collapse of GHA at the end of March to the rising of Genesis at the end of June.
Early April 2021 New Eden
On March 25, 2021, GHA was failing due to continued defeats and dictatorship. OZ, which owned the WX-6UX Corporation Citadel, turned side from GHA to GenFed. Many of GHA Corporations were disappointed in their leadership and left almost all of them.
Corporations left GHA moved to GenFed or our Blue Alliance.
Early April 2021 New Eden
In early April, most of QC Corporations joined Catch 22. In a strategically good position,Catch 22 the Southern War in earnest by establishing friendly relations with Pantheon and Genesis.
April 10, 2021 New Eden
On April 10,Pantheon launched an internal tournament aimed at destroying the Southern Coalition ship and base worth 1 trillion ISK. As soon as The event started,theydestroyed 6.4 billion ISK worth of ships and bases in just nine hours. The NPC station of the C-J6MT system was occupied for the war against SC.
On April 20,the internal tournament ended in nine days. Suffering helplessly,Southern Collation (SC) has changed its brand and changed to Content Collation (CC).
April 20, 2021 New Eden
In mid-April, during the war, Toddie of the WarP, who belonged to CC, tried to stop the Southern War. Genesis leader Mommasurus Rex and ACR leader Eric began negotiation togather
The negotiations did not go well,ACR claimed that Genesis started the war with the deployment of Citadel in Feythabolis.
In early May, the target was changed from weakened CC to the main enemy ACR. On May 8, Pantheon Genesis and Catch 22 were gathering fleets to attack ZID in Fythabolis. The Pirate Union, which planted spies in Pantheon, attacked Pantheon, who was gathering fleets at Safe Spot.
The preparation of ZID Citadel attack, was delayed by NO's interference.
Esoteria > JSZ-X6 > WX-6UX
The Hull timer on the WX-6UX Citadel was activated due to an attack by ACR in early June. On June 2,the ACR wanted to destroy the WX Citadel, and make Esoteria their land. It was a very important Citadel that could've mode GenFed leave Esoteria if it was defeated.
More than 1,300 people will be gathered to protect the WX-6UX. ACR and CC saw too many defenders and ran away.
June 2nd, territory of Genesis
On June 2, Genesis showed that GenFed could protect Esoteria. Citadels were be dropped in the Esoteria, Pargon Soul, Period Basiswhich has not been deployed for six months during the war.
On June 13, ZID-LE's Citadel Hull timer was activated. Once again, we attacked the ZID that ACR has. Nearly 1,000 people gathered, and the battle lasted more than three hours. Finally,Genesis destroyed the ZID-LE Citadel in six months.
Battle of ZID-LE
On June 16,Content Collection announced the end of the war between OG and VOID and left CC.
ACR said it was a coincidence that Genesis won the ZID and ACR could win. K-9UG4 Citadel on June 17 and KJ-VOP Citadel on June 28 were all destroyed in two weeks
Battle of KJ-VOP
Genesis's present territory, July 2021
The Southern War was recorded as the longest war in EVE Echoes history from mid-January to the end of June. The war began when 23 coalition forces attacked the ZID-LE Citadel in the Feytabolis region of Genesis.
Six months later, the war ended with the ZID-LE Citadel back.
Hi, I am OGU. I love writing stories and this Eve Echoes have been one of my favorite one.
I've made continuous recordings while playing EE as a member of GenFed. I'd like to share this for the 1 year anniversary of EE and GenFed. May this post encouraging all of us.. Enjoy! :)
The third episode of the Southern War tells the story of the creation of a powerful ally, Pantheon, from the betrayal of the Golden Horde Alliance in late January to the dissolution of the GHA in April.
Before to talk about the Southern War, let's talk about Pantheon, who played an important role in the large-scale Esoteria war.
Who is Pantheon?
The classic roman buildingPantheon was west of delve, fountain, and even querious and dominate the three regions. You can see that the Union by 2021, the biggest.
To recognize Pantheon, a strong ally of Genesis Federation, you must look into the past.
South of New Eden at the end of August 2020.
Within a month of the game's launch, each alliance was established in Null-Sec.
At the beginning of the game launch, there were several independent alliances and companies in the Delve region. The major alliance,PIBC (Pan Interactive Business), and Happy Bees,were raiding and fighting each other to take over the Delve area.
PIBC was running bots and grew fast on Delve region. They want every corps in Delve to submission.
October to November 2020 West of New Eden
Corps and Alliances against PIBC in Delve United each other. With HappyBees, The Cosmos, The Collective, Pandemonium, Shadow Syndicate, Rekium, finally Pantheon Coalition was made.
November 2020 New Eden
Delve was burned for a month, andPantheon won the war against PIBC and took control of Delve.
West neweden of December 2020
Terran Federation (TF), an ally of PIBC, occupied the Fountain region. The TF began to bully the miners and others in Delve at the end of the war with the PIBC.
TF outpost unanchor
One day, a pilot named Gengar from Happy Bees found TF outpost.
Gengarattacked the outpost by himself,and the owner of the outpost panicked and unanchor, and the timer turned. (Outpost unanchor takes 3 days)
TF Outpost
Three days later, when the timer ran out,Pantheon succeeded in stealing TF outpost, and two days later, the TF officially declared war on Pantheon.
Steal a Station
TF and Pantheon fought for three weeks during December,but decided not to call large-scale CTAs during Christmas so they could spend time with family and friends.
Pantheon opened event during holiday instead of suspending activity. They do not expect many participants but, during the event, more than 3 bill worth of ships were blown up
Early January 2021 New Eden
Less than a week ago, theTF was disbanded as civil war broke out, and Pantheon absorbed alliances with several companies.
TF DEAD and DUNE, who hated Pantheon and GenFed, joined Angel Cartel Republic (ACR).
Golden Horde betrayal
End of January 2021 New Eden
GenFed, who was in the middle of a war with Death Phantom, allied withSHH in the north and GHA in the eastto respond to the Chinese Union and DP using bots.
However, on January 30, 2021,the GHA betrayed GenFed, who was defeated by the Southern Coalition, and formed an alliance with the SC.
February 1, 2021 New Eden
On February 1, 2021,more than 2,000 people gathered to attack and defend the Esoteria WX-6UX region. The Southwest Alliance to help Genesis and the South East Alliance to help DP have gathered in Esoteria.
Howerver, SC were badly defeated, losing most of the ships, including 4 Nightmares.
Battle of WX-6UX, February 1, 2021
On February 14, 2021,GenFed had a Townhall meeting. GenFed Leader and officers agreed that it was not worth to defending structures due to the time difference and it will be better without Corp Citadel for a while. Then GenFed could focus on enemy citadels anytime.
Fythabolis > 3-PC31 > ZID-LE
On February 14, 2021,SC dropped the Corporation Citadel to ZID-LE.
Battle of ZID-LE, February 27, 2021
Two ZID attacks took place on February 16 and 27, 2021,but more than 1200 SC personnel gathered cousing GenFed retreat.
Esoteria > JSZ-X6 > WX-6UX
On March 7, 2021, the betrayedGHA dropped the Corporation Citadel in the WX-6UX area. Several attacks have been made, but the timer of the Corporation Citadel was in China's favor,which fails to destroy it.
Pantheon and Genesis attack on GHA
Mid-March 2021 New Eden
On March 10, 2021,GenFed changeed strategy and with Pantheon.
Pantheon and GenFed were successful in their operations from March 13 to 20. Destroyed eight Citadels of the hostile coalition.
Battle of LJ-RJK, March 20, 2021
On March 20, 2021, Enemies had 400 more ships in LJ-RJK,but Pantheon and GenFed won the battle and destroyed two corporate Citadels a day.
Downfall of Golden Horde
Esoteria > JSZ-X6 > WX-6UX
On March 25, 2021, GHA was falling aport due to continued defeats and dictatorship. OZ, which owned the WX-6UX Corporation Citadel, turned their side from GHA to GenFed.
March 26, 2021 New Eden
On March 26, 2021,GHA and SC invaded Delve to attack Pantheon. However, GHA and SC, who lacked confidence since the LJ-RJK battle on March 20, ran away before the fight.
After the March 25, 2021 election, many of the GHA's corps were disappointed in their leadership and left almost all of them. corps leaving the GHA moved to the GenFed or Friendly Blue Alliance.
Early April 2021 New Eden
The GHA has been disbanded, but the SC, led by ACR, was constantly attacked Esoteria.
If you are curious about the next episode, please refer to the link below. Southern War Story (4)
Episode 2 of the Southern War summarizes the battle against DP in early November until the massive Citadel defense in the WX-6UX region on February 1.
South of New Eden at the end of October 2020
Genesis Federation (GenFed) and Death Phantom (DP) had been allies since the game launch. GenFed lived in Esoteria, and DP lived in Feythabolis.
These two alliances lived in Esoteria, sharing a C9N-CC station. Conflicts had been arisen over many miscommunicationed issues.
Early November 2020 South of New Eden
While various frictions with DP continues, OP4S, one of the big alliances in Stain and Catch, were disbanded in late October 2020.
One of the DP alliances, DPF, began gate camping on Impass, one of the roads to High-Sec at that time. And many GenFed warships and even faction ships such as Vigilant and Succubs.
When BORG Faction Ships were exploded, GenFed's FC, Kainos Kerensky, conducted a Flash CTA on October 25, 2020 to respond to DP.
On October 26, 2020, GenFed's leaders responded to DP's aggressive actions against our troops, and ordered the withdrawal from Feythabolis.
Negotiation table was set for both sides. DP demanded C9N-CC Station, and impass area which GenFed could not agree. As a result, it did not go well and GenFed and DP were at the verge of War.
Nov 3rd 2020, GenFed again horned their spear tips, ready for the battle. The first fight started fast even before 24hours GenFed set DP as neut.
During the negotiation, an attack was made on DP's C9N-CC. Wars between DP and GenFedbegan on Nov 3rd, 2020, 24 hours before NEUTRAL was set.
November 4, 2020 Omist DP bot
Right after GenFed started scouting, they found a lot of mining bots both Omist and Feythabolis.
Because of DP's bot issue, Golden Horde and SHH came to aid for GenFed because bot activities will harm overall Eve Echoes Market.
DP used their bot strategy even on the battleground. Countless bots slowed connection and even caused disconnection. It was hard to proceed battle against their bots.
November 2020 South of New Eden
GenFed rang CTA and big fight happened on Nov 14, 2020, Chinese prime time. GenFed fleets were damaged by Massive bots from DP, but DP were also losing their resources.
Battle of Feythabolis on 14 November 2020
December 2020 South of New Eden
Continuous attacks forced DP to retreat from Feythabolis and the rest of the crew to flee to Omist or Destorid in the southeast.
Indomitable Trailer
Sovereignty indomitable patch was implemented on the Jan 7th 2021. Corporations were able to declare Sovereignty with corp citadel structure.
Mid-January 2021 South of New Eden
In the middle of Jan, 2021, DP had more BCs and even more faction ships equipped with higher tier modules compaired to GenFed that were constantly in the middle of war since day 1, only capale of running Crurser doctrines.
Why Southern Coalition invaded Esoteria?
October 2020 South of New Eden
We need to look into the past to find out why SC helped DP.
In the early days of the game launch, the Chinese legions F1 and BADP settled in the Detorid area.
DP and GenFed were allies from beginning of the game, so the battle against the OP4S continued. DP asked the Detoried Union for help in the OP4S and the war.
The OP4S were collapsed in a fairly short period of time, and the DP gave Tenerifis as a war trophy.
November to December 2020 New Eden South
Although GenFed and DP had issues with communications, during Nov-Dec,2020, they were cooperated each other.
English speaking NSFW and RNWB united and allied with Angel Cartel Republic (ACR). Chinese speaking F1, BADP and NEEC also allied with ACR.
F1 and NSFW could not prosper in Paragon Soul region, they began good relationship with OG in Immensea. They thought "GenFed are aggressively expanding to the east and next target will be OG". "So, disturb Genesis by helping DP will make us safer."
Fythabolis > 3-PC31 > ZID-LE
Genesis had never been lost a war since the game's launch, aggressively moored Corporation Citadel in Fythabolis.
On January 19, 2021, after more than five hours of fighting, the Southern Coalition became the first to defeat the Corporation Citadel. GenFed got the shameful title "the 1st alliance lost their citadel in Eve Echoes history". Well.. GenFed were always getting 1st titles.. good or bad. :)
However, Genesis destroyed the Southern Coalition's Corporation Citadel for revenge, but it didn't seem easy to defend against 14 Southern Collocations.
Esoteria > JSZ-X6 > WX-6UX
On January 23, 2021, SC attacked the last remaining Genesis WX-6UX Corporation Citadel.
Genesis attacked and destroyed the enemy's Outposts, but the Corporation Citadel was attacked and activated the Hull timer.
February 1, 2021 If we didn’t succeed in defense, it was going to be a big blow to Genesis.
February 1, 2021 South of New Eden
On February 1, 2021, more than 2,000 people gathered to attack and defend the Esoteria WX-6UX region. The Southwest Alliance to help Genesis and the South East Alliance to help DP have gathered in Esoteria.
Pantheon involvement in the Southern War.
On Feb 1st, 6 hours prior to hull timer, SC ocoupied local number of 600 ~ 800 already. GenFed were too late to join defence.
We contacted to GM but most of capable numbers of GenFed were not able to access WX-6X
Today, we're going to talk about the war in the southern part of Eve Echoes New Eden.
Since the first day of launch on Aug 13, 2020, many alliances have been crawled in to the null-sec to gain profit and claim sovereignty.
Esoteria, the southern parts of null-sec, drew more attention to various sized corps & alliances claiming their infuences. As a result, conflicts were inevitable.
The first conflict in Esoteria region was between Genesis Federation (GenFed) and OP4S. lots of skirmishes happened near BZ-OGW where most GenFed members were settled.
On the Aug 23th, 2020, a war began between OP4S and GenFed to occupy the Esoteria region.
On the Aug 26th, 2020, GenFed successfuly fended off OP4S from BZ-OGW. However, conflicts between those two super powers continued. they became sworned enemies each other.
South of New Eden at the end of August 2020
As a result, OP4S allied to Ellisium(ELSM), another sizable super power located in Period Basis and Paragon Soul to wipe out GenFed in Esoteria.
September 2020 South of New Eden
Five alliances including OP4S and ELSM from Paragon Soul & Period Basis launched massive raid on Sep 12th,2020. We called that 'The First Southern War'. However, GenFed successfuly won the war even we were outnumbered.
Despite of OP4S & ELSM's lost, they prepared the 2nd southern war. this time, they hired even more allies and came to Esoteria. They expected easy victory with 8 allies combined armada, but GenFed won the victory with their neighbor, VEV corp. It was well alligned surgical attack against superior numbered enemy.
Esoteria Second War Video
After They lost two major wars, they changed their tactic to guerilla warfare and that annoyed GenFed alliance.
Early October 2020 South of New Eden
To get rid of such threats, GenFed commenced operation called "Operation Sleeping Badger" through Oct 8th - 11th.
Unlike other alliances, GenFed were consist of different nationalities such as Asians, Europians, Russians, Americans, not the mention of Aussies :)
We constantly stationed their base and pinched them inside for 4 days. They finally surrendered.
Mid-October 2020 South of New Eden
GenFed took Paragon Soul region once ELSM occupied after the successful operation. Started from Paragon Soul to Feythabolis, more friendly Alliance were filled around Esoteria. Death Phantoms (DP) from Feythabolis were friendly to GenFed at that time. OP4S was the only threat to GenFed.
Early October 2020 South of New Eden
Through mid-October, GenFed was having warfare at Paragon Soul. Meantime, The Querious Coalition (QC), a member of Trimark in Querious region, was fighting against OP4S and RED Coalition.
October 19, 2020 South of New Eden
After GenFed neutralized Paragon Soul, QC joined GenFed. One of the biggest battle in Eve Echoes history was about to begin.
1,200 people, including both sides, gathered in the Catch area to attack and defend the 6BPS-T Citadel. Local limited numbers have resulted in a win for the QC & GenFed coalition.
Battle of 6BPS-TBattle of 6BPS-T
South of New Eden at the end of October 2020
GenFed continued to attack the Impass area, which became a disputed area. To get to Impass from Esoteria, we had to go through the Feythabolis area, where the friendly DP lived.
DP was constantly causing problems at C9N-CC Station. Conflicts escalated and it finally exceeded the limit of endurance when DP sinked several BORG corp ships. (BORG was with GenFed at that time)
Early November 2020 South of New Eden
Although negotiations were conducted peacefully, GenFed eventually started a war with DP on November 3.
If you are curious about the next episode, please refer to the link below. Southern War Story(2)